Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Microsoft Award Notification

Microsoft Corporation.
Global Business Head Office(244003-A)
Lvl 30 Bathesmead Castle,Manchester MU2 6NW,United Kingdom.
Batch number...................16/12/0011
Ref number....................MSN-L/212

This e-mail is to inform you that your e-mail address has won you the sum of £3,500,000.00(Three Million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling) from the MICROSOFT CORPORATION. For your payment, you are required to contact our fiduciary agent with this Email: and provide the information required below:
Yours Faithfully.
Patricia Koopman (0nline Coordinator)

1 komentar:

  1. very well. Actually,i don't know much about IT but i want to try always learn it. It is needed for me. whatever i am a teacher. i am so sorry in many days almost seldom my blogger. There is a problem in my life. My husband just amoment was died.
    By the way,is your information truelly? give me so much news in reallity.
    Jl. WR.Soepratman.No.136.Pulorejo Tembelang
    Jombang East Java


How are you? I hope you are ok. That's right. I would try to find you on this browser and it's too difficult.Send me information about your new place.